7 Reasons Why It Companies Should Outsource Their Email Support
Email is the most preferred medium of communication for businesses. It’s quick, effective, and flexible. However, email responses are not very quick, and businesses need to outsource their email support to speed up the response time.
Email Support Services
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Simetrix Solutions7 Reasons Why It Companies Should Outsource Their Email SupportSimetrix Solutions7 Reasons Why It Companies Should Outsource Their Email SupportSimetrix Solutions7 Reasons Why It Companies Should Outsource Their Email Support<iframe src='https://simetrix-solutions.com?action=embed_zoomsounds&type=player&margs=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' style='overflow:hidden; transition: height 0.3s ease-out;' width='100%' height='180' scrolling='no' frameborder='0'></iframe>
- Increase sales and profits
- Omnichannel approach for a streamlined response
- Emails can be forwarded
- Without auto-generation, delivers a quick response
- Emails can be replied to at any time
- It’s simple to access
- Personalized service
Outsourcing email support services is a common business practice aimed at providing clients with superior service than ever before. Many businesses, for example, now place a great deal of emphasis on providing exceptional customer service.
Customers should be content with the level of services supplied by a company, and business owners must work hard to ensure this. The following are the seven reasons why businesses should outsource their email support:
1. Personalized Service
When a customer emails your company, they expect personalized service. In other words, they want to answer from an individual rather than a machine. Most of the time if not all the time, the auto generated response is off topic or not relating to the customers needs therefore not satisfying their expectations. The higher the number of services or products, the higher is the error ratio of the auto-responding machine. But that is not always the case. A company might have let’s say as little as 5 complex products and relying on an auto-responding machine doesn’t help too.
For instance, you receive an email from someone that looks like this example:
Hello, my new bag just arrived and I am really disappointed because the color is totally different from what it looks like in your store. I returned the old one back and would like to ask for a refund.
The reply from a machine might look like this:
Hello. We apologize for the inconvenience. Please note that we cannot offer a refund since the bag is non-refundable.
The reply from an actual person might look like this:
Hello! We are sorry to hear about the color discrepancy, and we would be happy to help you out. Please let us know if you need a refund or have any other questions. Thanks for shopping with us and we look forward to doing business with you again.
2. It’s Simple to access
Emails are readily available from a wide range of devices, including laptops, tablets, cellphones, desktops, and so on. Customers may check their email while they are on the go. The ability to communicate with a company through a medium that the customer is comfortable with is an important factor in providing good customer service. Also, they can reply to emails from a variety of devices.
Customers can contact you through email at any time if they have any concerns about your product since emails are set up on these aforementioned gadgets, especially smartphones Outsourcing email assistance services will assist you in providing prompt answers to client emails, which will improve customer satisfaction.
3. Emails can be replied to at any Time
Unlike telephone or in-person support, emails can be replied to at any time of the day or night. Providing support after normal working hours can be very costly for a business and can lead to employees working long hours.
Plus, a majority of customers may be at work when it is time to contact you. In such cases, businesses must provide email support services because this ensures that customers can get the help they need at any time.
4. Without Auto-Generation, Delivers a Quick Response
Customers expect prompt replies from their favorite businesses, no matter the channel they use. Email support, in particular the resolution of queries and complaints, is difficult to automate. As a result, outsourcing the procedure might provide your consumers with faster replies.
Customers desire a customized solution for their problem, and they won’t get one if you respond automatically. You will eventually lose the client. The only option to boost consumer satisfaction by providing them customized answers at any time of day is to outsource email support.
5. Emails can be forwarded
When a customer emails a business, they expect a reply within a specific time frame. If the customer’s question is not answered in the reply, they might send another email with the same question or a new one. This will create confusion and dissatisfaction among clients.
Outsourcing email support services means the replies will have to be sent from one main source. However, if a different department is handling it, they are likely to provide an answer that will not be useful.
6. Omnichannel Approach for a Streamlined Response
Omnichannel communication needs to be handled carefully to ensure that the client is satisfied. A customer may send a mail as well as text. In such cases, a client might get a reply from the business through email and SMS.
If you have a strong grip on email customer service, then it may improve your customer support strategy. Customers expect email support to be one of the most important communication methods, but businesses must operate in multiple channels.
7. Increase Sales and Profits
The client service agents of the third-party service provider may utilize emails to increase sales by outsourcing email support services. They may also recommend other goods with more usage and benefits when responding to consumer inquiries about any product. They may also display comparable or alternative goods at the same price range.
They can push any type of special offers or discounts that might encourage customers to acquire items at a much higher cost than they were prepared to pay initially. Cross-selling and upselling are indirect by-products of employing email support services by any firm that can quickly improve sales.
In last we would say that email customer service is a process that should be outsourced to a third-party provider. One must not overlook the fact that it is an important channel of communication and any mishandling can cause loss of customers. It also increases the chances of losing loyal customers.
So, it is always better to take a proactive approach by outsourcing email support services and gaining the trust of the customers through personalized replies. This will also help increase sales and profits.
We hope this article was of some help. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to post a comment below, and don’t forget to share this article with your friends.
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